Graduates to go with the “tempo"
With more emphasis on official standards, high-stakes testing, and assessment, nearly every school is feeling pressure to use its time to optimum advantage. This pressure often translates into fewer exploratory courses or new
"exploratory" courses that offer less exploration and look more like the usual school subjects.
If so, why, we, at Hariri3, insist on accommodating 9 exploratory courses into our curricula
Media, dance, theatre, physical education, foreign languages, music, religion, visual arts, information technology; those are subject matters for a student in grade level 3 at Hariri3 School.
We believe that exploratory courses are to be seen by both core and non-core teachers, administrators, parents, and students as an important and integral part of the Hariri3 program.
For this our students enjoy language arts in theatre plays, exhibit updated knowledge in social, cultural and environmental issues, use proper body language in different situations, express and defend their opinions critically , analyze characters, debate about media materials and controversial newsfeed, present their work on stages, in halls, making any podium their platform…
Hariri3 School aims to a “whole child” focus, attending not only to academics but also to the social and emotional development of students and to broadening their experience and knowledge via an exploratory curriculum;
For that, we insist on our 9 exploratory subject matters that will yield specialized interests, aptitudes, and abilities!
What does an Exploratory curriculum do
1. Reinforces academic knowledge and skills, particularly basic skills;
2. Fosters the development of logical and critical thinking skills;
3. Exposes students to various high school subject areas
4. Focuses upon knowledge and skills currently or eventually useful to students and shall be related to life competencies.
“The pan motion helped the releve move of the lead role character reflect the crescendo of the dubbed music”; a sentence that 5th graders used in one of the media classes.
We insist that our students have their end of year “play performances” integrated in their whole year curricula.
We insist that our students have clear practical knowledge about music, religion, dance.
We insist that our students boost their oral expression, enhance their character building and personalities, augment self esteem and confidence through going on stage and acting.
We insist to highlight hidden capabilities of out of the scope students.
We insist to give equal opportunities to every student.
We insist to have our students work in collaborative environment where they are part of a whole, indispensable to all, as integrated as their exploratory curriculum is.
An exploratory program enables students to discover their particular abilities, talents, interests, values, and preferences. This self-knowledge helps students to prepare for adult life, not only in terms of vocation, but also as active members and citizens in our community.
The result: Our students believe that they are apt to anything. They are not only armored by knowledge but also with many perceptions, hints, proficiencies, and intelligences to go with the life “tempo".